Do you struggle with staying organized? It might be your desk, it might be your home or it might be your entire life? Being and staying organized is something that some people can do automatically while others struggle at it. Here are a few habits that people do to help them get a more organized life.
5 Tips to a More Organized Life
Thinking like a minimalist is key. When you have less stuff, you have less stuff to try and keep organized. When you have less stuff to organize, it goes from overwhelming to manageable. When you adopt a simplistic attitude toward all things, whether it be home décor, your clothes or your work space. Try not to impulse buy so you don’t accumulate things you are never really going to use. Purge regularly. Bought something new, get rid of something old!
This isn’t to say that an organized home can’t have a little flair or your own personal touch. When something in your home no longer serves a purpose, it’s time to get rid of it. Keeping “stuff” in moderation will make things easier to find, easier to clean, and easier to keep organized. But honestly, I know I feel much happier and less stressed when I don’t see piles of stuff everywhere.
Make a list or use a planner. Expecting your brain to remember every name, number, and event, is mentally exhausting. Put them on paper to save your sanity. Write down those to-dos. Keep an address book. Use a planner to plan out your day, your week, your month. Writing everything down is a fundamental element to being organized. Need some planner calendars and printables to get you started? Check out these 20 calendars to help you get organized!
After you’ve made your super organized lists, the trick is to stick to them! Do not fall prey to so called “impulse buys” and “one time only” sales. Make responsible decisions while you’re at the store. Don’t fall for that advertisements or sales pitch about what it is that you actually need. Stick to your list, regardless of what might be on sale because guess what, that item will go on sale again and probably even clearance at some point.
Not only does organizing your life require organization, but keep in mind that organization, in and of itself, requires organization. Make lists, write things down, declutter! One item in, two items out! I promise you won’t miss the stuff.
Break the habit of procrastination. Begin using calendars and give yourself non-negotiable deadlines. Create schedules for yourself and make the necessary effort to not procrastinate. Make yourself a cleaning list, a decluttering list, etc. Don’t try to tackle everything in one day.
You’re probably like me and do a marathon cleaning once a week. STOP! I used to be like that, but then I switched. I starting cleaning one room a day. A few small tasks a day not only makes it manageable, but also make a huge difference on clean your home will look!
For example, Mondays I dust furniture, clean mirrors, and vacuum the whole house (and I have a 2 year old so I also spot vacuum daily). Tuesdays I clean the bathroom and put out new towels. Wednesday, I mop, clean the microwave, clean out the fridge and take out trash (Thursday morning is trash day so that is why I chose fridge and trash for Wednesdays). Thursdays I change all the sheets, clean electronic screens, switches and doorknobs and sort papers. Fridays I meal plan, clean out my purse and grocery shop. This leaves Saturday and Sunday for free time. Other tasks like dishes and wiping down counters get done daily. I also do a quick pick up in each room daily, which only takes about 10 minutes.
Laundry as needed. Also, don’t marathon laundry. Do one load. Wash it, dry it, fold it and put it away. Otherwise it will sit in a basket unfolded until next time. I swear there are other people living in my house that I don’t know about either!!
It may seem that putting yourself under pressure is a motivational tool, but it actually just creates more stress and results in lower quality performance. You’ll achieve better results if you plan ahead and delegate the time to complete each task in an organized manner.
Before you declutter, have a plan or system to compartmentalize, label and designate a place for your belongings. Do this in your bathroom, your kitchen, your desk, etc. Use an organizing system that works for you. Try some of these home organizers to help you get your life more organized.
Have stacks of papers everywhere? Delegate one place to put the mail. Get a key rack to hang your keys. Use a console table or some other organizing system, with little baskets by your front door to keep your keys, purse, sunglasses, gloves, etc. That way you’re not searching the house for your belongings and will get you out the door faster. Not only will this give you a more organized life, but will always help to prevent you from running late!
What are some ways you stay organized? Are you going to implement any of these tips to help get you to a more organized?